Please be informed that new consumption tax-rate is planned to be changed from October 1, 2019 in accordance with revised tax law by the government.
■ For the customers with “enrolled year” on or before 2018, new tax rate will be effective from September Card Expiry, the due date of which is October 10, 2019.
■ For the customers with “enrolled year” on and after 2019, new tax rate will be effective from the enrolled month of October 2019.
■ In case that you switch your card type:
- Annual fee of your previous card will be refunded along with the tax of billed amount.
- For cards issued from October 2019, new tax rate will be effective for your new card.
■ How to confirm your enrolled year and card expiry
The following month of card expiry month on your plastic will be due month of annual fee. ① Card expiry : MM/YY ② MEMBER SINCE 00 → the last two digit of your "enrolled year" is shown on the plastic. |
New tax rate will be effective from the charge date October 1, 2019 on your bill statement.
July 1, 2019
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Club Co., Ltd.