[Important Notice]
Notice on Consumption tax-rate Change

Please be informed that new consumption tax-rate is planned to be changed from October 1, 2019 in accordance with revised tax law by the government.

1. Annual Fee

For the customers with “enrolled year” on or before 2018, new tax rate will be effective from September Card Expiry, the due date of which is October 10, 2019.

For the customers with “enrolled year” on and after 2019, new tax rate will be effective from the enrolled month of October 2019.

In case that you switch your card type:

- Annual fee of your previous card will be refunded along with the tax of billed amount.

- For cards issued from October 2019, new tax rate will be effective for your new card.

How to confirm your enrolled year and card expiry


The following month of card expiry month on your plastic will be due month of annual fee.

① Card expiry : MM/YY
<example> 09/20 = September 2020

② MEMBER SINCE 00 → the last two digit of your "enrolled year" is shown on the plastic.

2. ATM fee and other service fees

New tax rate will be effective from the charge date October 1, 2019 on your bill statement.

July 1, 2019
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Club Co., Ltd.

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